With several layers of vocal tracks including whispers on both the left and right sides, I highly suggest listening to this session with stereo headphones for the best experience. This file is definitely different than my usual style but if you’re a fan of some of my earliest work, you might recognize some of the influence peeking through. If you like this, please let me know because I may do more like this in the future. I actually sat here listening to this one for about an hour, just getting lost in the sound before I finally remembered I needed to share it with the world!
The main track focuses on mindful trance techniques, lulling you into deep regression and tranquil sensations of safety, relaxation and an overall feeling of wellbeing and vulnerability. You can let go of all your adult cares and concerns because you know that you’re safe and loved and cared for. The echoing, whispering background tracks are designed to tease and confuse you. Are you a boy or a girl? Wetting the bed or wetting your diapers? Regardless of who or what you are, you find yourself dropping deeper and deeper into blissful babyhood the longer you listen.
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