
I know this is going to be asked about and it probably feels unfair to at least someone but I…

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I know this is going to be asked about and it probably feels unfair to at least someone but I made the difficult decision to shut down the Discord/Blanket Fort today and I will not be logging into that Discord account nor will I be attempting to create another community environment again. I’ve tried this multiple times now … In the past I’ve tried things like requesting payment for access thinking that would encourage people to be more active within the community and that just resulted in people being reluctant to join at all so this time I made it freely open to anyone who wanted to join and what I ended up with was a server of 60+ ghosts. It was honestly becoming stressful for me to try to drum up engagement and make folks feel welcome.

Edited because I’m doing 500 things at once and published too quickly on accident. LOL

For a brief time, people were actually active and it was fun but to log in and see so many people just lurking felt more and more discouraging. I knew if I said, hey if this doesn’t change I’m gonna walk away, it would liven up for a week or so but it would die down again because you can’t force people to engage and I don’t want to make anyone feel obligated or bad about not being active, you know? I just don’t think this was meant to be and that’s okay! I will continue to make files and I hope you all continue to enjoy them!

One final edit to mention …

Something else that deeply concerned me was the fact that I couldn’t age verify anyone who joined that server. Because it was completely free to join, absolutely anyone could join. Anyone can look at this website but you have to be an adult or have the permission of an adult to gain access to a credit card and purchase my files. I am in complete control of what gets published here, whereas in that server I didn’t have that control. Someone could have joined and posted absolutely anything at all while I was asleep or at work or at school and until I logged in and was able to remove that content and remove them, what could be done about it? Having so many lurkers made me feel like it wasn’t a community at all and it could turn into something ugly very quickly.

Ultimately, I want to create a space where people can escape from the ugliness of the world for awhile. There’s so much out there that feels big and overwhelming. I am sorry to anyone who feels sad or hurt by my decision today but please know that I am not abandoning you.

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This one’s a little trippy~

With several layers of vocal tracks including whispers on both the left and right sides, I highly suggest listening to…

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With several layers of vocal tracks including whispers on both the left and right sides, I highly suggest listening to this session with stereo headphones for the best experience. This file is definitely different than my usual style but if you’re a fan of some of my earliest work, you might recognize some of the influence peeking through. If you like this, please let me know because I may do more like this in the future. I actually sat here listening to this one for about an hour, just getting lost in the sound before I finally remembered I needed to share it with the world!

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Can you hear(t) it?

Recorded in a very soft and sleepy style, this session blends the rhythm of two heartbeats, mine and yours, to…

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Recorded in a very soft and sleepy style, this session blends the rhythm of two heartbeats, mine and yours, to lull you into an incredibly deep and soothing trance where you find yourself regressing deeper and deeper as you’re cradled against Nanny’s breast and rocked gently until you begin to drift into a dream-like state. You’ll experience love and care, a bottle-feeding and diaper change and as you drink the warm milk, each creamy drop only brainwashes you further, leaving you in a helplessly vulnerable state–not that you mind, of course. Why would you, when you’ve got Nanny right here to love and care for you?

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Birthday Regression~

I’m sure I’ve probably missed at least one person’s birthday this year but! This file is fun because you can…

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I’m sure I’ve probably missed at least one person’s birthday this year but! This file is fun because you can listen to it on your birthday regardless of when that might be! The idea was suggested in the Discord Blanket Fort so if you have you own ideas, you should definitely join, let me know you if you’re a baby girl or a baby boy and you can share your own suggestions in the Baby Brain Dump!

Its your birthday but instead of being excited, you’re feeling depressed. The stress and weight of adult responsibilities are weighing heavily upon you this year and no one seems to care … No one, that is, except your friend Nicole. She shows up at your desk with a surprise gift but insists you wait to open it until you get home. Seems simple enough right?

Of course, you can’t wait to take a peek and that’s when the shenanigans ensue. You find yourself regressing in the employee bathroom where anyone could walk in and find you. FORTUNATELY Nicole knows you well enough to check on you before someone else does but if you want to know what happens next, you’ll have to listen for yourself.

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Magic Mushrooms~

In this session, you embark on a soul-soothing hike deep into the woods, hoping to escape the relentless grind of…

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In this session, you embark on a soul-soothing hike deep into the woods, hoping to escape the relentless grind of adult life. The tranquility of the forest wraps around you like a comforting embrace, and you lose yourself in its peaceful solitude. But as the hours pass, hunger begins to gnaw at you, and your thoughts wander to the wild bounty the forest might offer. After a brief search, you stumble upon a patch of mushrooms. With a mixture of curiosity and hunger, you eat them, unaware of the strange and dangerous magic they possess.

What happens next is beyond your wildest imaginings. Your body undergoes a startling transformation, and when you awaken, you find yourself in an unfamiliar, serene room—your once strong and capable body now feels small, weak, and utterly helpless, as though you’re a baby trapped in a helpless adult’s body.

This is the first in a series. Lets see how deep this rabbit hole goes~

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Two new files~

And some unfortunate news about C4S … It has come to my attention that C4S was sold and the new…

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And some unfortunate news about C4S …

It has come to my attention that C4S was sold and the new owners have made some frustrating changes. New files are automatically set to “Inactive” pending a manual review. With a site as big as C4S, you can imagine what a nightmare this must be for all those people reviewing said files. Any new items I list, will likely NOT show up on C4S for awhile. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but its entirely out of my hands. In the meantime, I will keep posting files here and look for another mainstream platform.

As for the latest releases~

Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “The listener is playing a special video game. They initially think it’s pretty easy but as they get further along into the game, they start feeling more and more strange. It’s then revealed that as you get closer to the end of the game, you’re getting brainwashed and regressed, unaware you’ve already wet yourself and despite knowing you’ll regress further, you can’t stop playing and by the time you win the game, you’re nothing more than a babbling baby.”

I would suggest this session if you’ve had a little more experience with ABDL and trance training. The trance is very subtle and kind of sneaks up on you so if you’re more analytical, that might help you drop more easily. However, if you’re more of an imaginative person, the immersive elements of this file may really appeal to you as well. If you’ve ever played a video game and wished you could wake up in that world, this mp3 is perfect for you.

Inspired by another prompt from my Discord server! This time, you find yourself being sentenced to regression therapy by the Rehabilitation and Reformation Program. After the crimes you’ve committed, you expected to be sent to prison so the idea of regression for redemption sounds almost too good to be true.

Once you arrive, you’re immediately taken into the care of Nanny Nicole. She informs you that resistance will only make things more difficult for you and that everything will become so much easier if you simply surrender. But letting go isn’t always easy–This session is a *long* one, specifically geared towards those who enjoy full immersion and perhaps struggle to let go of their adult cares and concerns. By the time its over, you’ll have been utterly transformed from a convicted criminal to someone far sweeter, far simpler and so much easier to control.

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New Year, New Training~

Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “With a new year starting, it’s time to consider what you…

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Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “With a new year starting, it’s time to consider what you may change in the new year. Perhaps instead of changing one thing about you, why not change all. Instead of underwear, use diapers. Instead of cups and glasses, use baby bottles. And instead of grown up outfits, wear petite cute baby clothes with babyish designs. Let the New Year begin with an all new you; one who is a completely adorable little baby.”

This session was written very much of the POV of someone brand new to little space. (There’s a descriptive scene of putting on a diaper for the first time, for example.) However, with 15 new ABDL mantras, its also excellent for the most discerning ABDL enthusiasts. Features a count down into trance but no count back up so its perfect for bedtime listening and combining with other ABDL tracks.

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One more Christmas surprise!

Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “Hmm not sure if it has been done before in your…

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Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “Hmm not sure if it has been done before in your older files but maybe something along the lines of we suddenly hear Santa nearby or on the roof or something and you’re like “quickly baby you need to close your eyes or you won’t get any presents” then you begin to put us into trance … then the awakener is getting to see all the presents by the tree …” Suitable for any listener, newbie or super experienced, any gender, etc.

Once again, this session begins like a bedtime story. An ABDL night before Christmas that ends up with you receiving so many gifts *and* a diaper change under the tree on Christmas morning!

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Its time for a conspiracy~

Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “I’d love to see a file where a conspiracy theorist tries…

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Inspired by this prompt from the Discord Blanket Fort: “I’d love to see a file where a conspiracy theorist tries to catch Santa Claus. They sneak into Santa’s sleigh and end up in the North Pole. Mrs Claus (Nicole) finds them and takes them to her special place where everyone who gets to the North Pole is kept as a baby for a full year till next Christmas when they are adopted out to a couple wishing for a baby for Christmas …”

Suitable for any listener, newbie or super experienced, any gender, etc. I thought this was a really fun idea to explore, so of course I took it and ran with it. The file begins like a bedtime story, staring you of course. Let yourself become fully immersed as you find yourself whisked away to the North Pole where Mrs Claus finds and takes you for her own. Will you ever escape? Do you even want to? Or would you rather regress so deeply that you wind up staying a silly dumb little baby forever?

(Includes suggestions to wear diapers 24/7 and no count back to awareness.)

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